Bates County News

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Bates County Cattlemen Cook Out September 16th, Family Center of Butler

 This Saturday, September 16th starting at 10:00 am the Bates County Cattlemen will be at the Family Center parking lot in Butler serving lunch to the public.  They will have Ribeye steak sandwiches $8, smoked beef $7, Hamburgers $6, and Hot Dogs $5. All meals come with chips and water.  The Cattlemen will continue cooking until the food is gone so make sure to get there early. Bates County Cattlemen cookout at the Family Center, Saturday, September 16th starting at 10:00 am in Butler.

ARPA funds update from Jim Wheatley, Presiding Commissioner

 SLFRF Compliance Update to the Citizens of Bates County  From Jim Wheatley with the Presiding Commissioner  I wanted to share with you an e...