Bates County News

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Appleton City: Little Apple News

 October 25, 2023


Congratulations to the 2023 district volleyball champion ACHS lady bulldogs. They won in 4 sets over Osceola on October 23.  They will play the sectional game in AC 6:30 p.m. Thursday, October 26 vs. NW Hughesville. Pack the stands and cheer the girls on as they play for a sectional win.


Ellett Memorial Hospital Auxiliary is hosting a Book and Gift Fair on Thursday, October 26 in the Outpatient hallway from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  Book fair Mike will be there with a large variety of books, gifts and gadgets. Everyone is welcome to check out what’s new and do holiday shopping!


ACHS After Prom Committee will have a Kickin Chicken Lunch 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (or until sold out) October 29 at the Appleton City High School.  The menu includes Robert Perryman’s Kickin Chicken, mashed potatoes, dinner roll and cinnamon roll for dessert for $15.


GFWC-Achievers will host their annual Halloween in the Park 5:00-6:30 p.m. October 31 in Forest Park. Costume judging begins at 5:30 p.m.                 There will be free hot dogs starting at 5:00 p.m. for everyone.

Appleton City Church of God Trunk or Treat will be October 31 6:00 p.m. until the treats are gone. All children of the community are welcome.

First Christian Church will have hot dogs and fish pond treats starting at 6:00 p.m. at the shelter.

First Baptist Church will have Trunk or Treat 6:00-8:00 p.m. or until the treats are gone.


Montrose Booster Club & Festival committee are hosting a Halloween Parade and trunk or treat Tuesday, October 31, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. The parade will go down Missouri Ave starting at 6:00 p.m. and the trunk or treat will line both sides of Missouri Ave after the parade.  Prizes will be given for costumes and favorite trunk. Children must be accompanied by an adult.


St. Clair County Cattlemen’s Annual Meeting will be 6:30 p.m. Friday, November 3, 2023 at Top of the World Barn.  The speaker will be MCA Past President, Patty Wood.  A meal will be provided. Please RSVP to Lawanna Salmon.


Many community members have reached out to show support for 8 year old Hudson Logan who was taken to Children’s Mercy Hospital on October 14 following an incident while playing with friends.  If you would like to help show your support for Huddy and the family, the following opportunities have been graciously set up by multiple community members: Free will donation fish fry with gun raffle November 4 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Adam Strope’s shop 10300 NW 1001 Rd. Appleton City; Hudson Logan Love Fund at St. Clair County State Bank; Gun Raffle (Remington 870 Shotgun/Henry Lever Action .22) Purchase tickets at Powell’s True Value (Limited tickets being sold); #Huddle4Huddy T-shirts available through Rural Roots/Kalie Dains and Bake sale at the November 3 ACHS football game.


The Montrose Class of 2026 is selling raffle tickets for a set of handmade cornhole boards and bags through November 11.  Tickets cost $10 ea. or 3 for $25.  Drawing will be held at 2:00 p.m. during the Holiday Mart at Montrose School.  No need to be present to win. 


The GFWC-Achievers 43rd Auction will be held 6:00 p.m. Monday November 13 in the ACHS West Building commons area in Appleton City.  You will find gift baskets, baked goods, great gift ideas, door prizes and a chance to win the jackpot in the 50/50 drawing.  Col. Jack Fennewald will be the auctioneer/entertainer. If you are looking for an evening of fun, come join them. Homemade pie will be served.  Everyone is welcome. As in the past, this group of Federated Women are again raising monies for another local project.


The Montrose VFW Post 8820 Annual Fry will be held 6:00 p.m. November 10 at the Montrose VFW Hall. The menu includes fried fish, mountain oysters, cole slaw, baked beans, homestyle fries, hush puppies and dessert.  Drinks will be extra.  Adults are $15, children 6-12 $10, children 5 and under are free with an adult. Takeout is available. There will also be gun and crossbow raffles this year. Everyone is welcome.


Ellett Memorial Hospital Appleton City offers outpatient specialist services for October and November, 2023. Call 660-476-2111 for appointments: Oct 31 – Rheumatology - Dr. John,  Nov 1 – Upper GI, Colonoscopy-Dr. Namin,  Nov 2– OB/GYN, Dr. Kallberg, Nov 8 – Upper GI, Colonoscopy-Dr. Vardakis, Nov 10 - Ortho-Dr. Gray, Nov 14 – Rheumatology-Dr. John, Nov 15 – Upper GI, Colonoscopy-Dr. Vardakis, Nov 16– Podiatry- Dr. Pace, Nov 22 - Ortho-Dr. Gray, Nov 29 – Ophthalmology – Dr. Soni.                        


October 27 is the 30th anniversary of “The Little Apple”, which began in 1993 by the A. C. Economic Development as way of informing residents of news and events sponsored by area businesses and organizations.  Items of a clearly personal nature, such as birthdays, anniversaries, awards (not group sponsored), personal sales and the like are not accepted for publication. The Appleton City Industrial Development Committee would like to thank the citizens of the area for their support over the last 30 years.  They would also like to thank the volunteers who help make this newsletter possible.  Community First Bank and their employees who photocopy the issues each and every week and the many contributors who have donated the funds to purchase the paper it is printed on.  We would especially like to offer special thanks to the volunteers who collate and deliver the Apple each week.  The Little Apple is truly a worldwide newsletter, being sent by email to people interested in A. C. all over the world.  If you would like to subscribe to the Little Apple by email, please send your email address to [email protected].  If you are willing to donate a few hours of your time each month to help with distributing this newsletter, please contact Dr. Don Payton at 476-2197.



Oct 25     AC FFA and First Baptist Church pick up sacks of food donations to benefit WCMCAA food pantry

Oct 26     Ellett Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Book and Gift Fair in the Outpatient hallway from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Oct 26     ACHS Volleyball Sectional Game 6:30 p.m. at ACHS

Oct 29     ACHS After Prom Committee Kickin Chicken Lunch 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (or until sold out) Appleton City High School.

Oct 31     Halloween activities

ARPA funds update from Jim Wheatley, Presiding Commissioner

 SLFRF Compliance Update to the Citizens of Bates County  From Jim Wheatley with the Presiding Commissioner  I wanted to share with you an e...