Bates County News

Monday, April 29, 2024

Butler: Heart Screening for ages 8 to 25


Heart Screenings are essential for enhancing the heart health of school-aged children who often have no advanced warning of this potentially silent killer. The Bates County Health Center, Bates County Memorial Hospital, Steve and Peggy Berkebile, and Fran Haney support and promote this yearly Heart Check Screening offer. Testing is limited to ages children and adults ages 8 to 25 years and open to Bates County Residents. Registration is 25 dollars per child and is done at your scheduled time, allow 20 to 30 minutes for the Heart Screening. If your child is an athlete, test results can in incorporated with the free Bates County Hospital’s School Athletic Physical program being held on June 17th through the 21st in Butler, this screening will provide a more enhanced physical. Register your child for the Youth Heart Screening today at The screening will be held on Saturday, June 1st at the Bates County Health Center in Butler. 660-679-6108. Youth Heart Screening is recommended by Pediatricians and trusted by Moms. This public service message is a courtesy of 92.1 Radio Station. 

ARPA funds update from Jim Wheatley, Presiding Commissioner

 SLFRF Compliance Update to the Citizens of Bates County  From Jim Wheatley with the Presiding Commissioner  I wanted to share with you an e...