Bates County News

Monday, January 27, 2025

Coyote Hunt

The Bates County Elks will be sponsoring a coyote hunt on Friday, January 31st through Sunday, February 2nd, Registration will be held Friday, at the Elks Lodge, 1000 Elks Drive in Butler from 6pm to 9pm and check in times on Sunday will be at 3pm. Entry fee is $150 per team.  This is a calling tournament, no traps, no snares and no dogs allowed. Kills must be videotaped as you walk up to them, all on the same phone. If you have any questions, contact Kellli at 660-424-3379, and if no answer please leave a message. Bates County Elks Coyote Hunt.

ARPA funds update from Jim Wheatley, Presiding Commissioner

 SLFRF Compliance Update to the Citizens of Bates County  From Jim Wheatley with the Presiding Commissioner  I wanted to share with you an e...